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Updated: Oct 5, 2022



Ways to Lounge with the Himalaya and why it can be an impactful recuperation technique for any traveler.

From an easy plan to easy time

31 August 2022

Recreation that creates personal impact and works.

Even for the most self care conscious person, lounging or idle time sometimes is often not given enough credit due. With a maturing era of information overdose, the inaccuracies and peculiarities add extra weightiness to things that seem not so futuristic or life-giving in general. But there are ways to encourage that sense of lightness and inner rejuvenation,

"travel is one of them, it is life-connecting."

In India, the Himalaya is known for its deep history to life promoting elixirs. The ancient practice of self care, including the organic practice of meditation, promises to hold that level of lightness needed by most of us today. It maintains the capacity to activate a new lease of life and it still continues to replenish the modern era as we know it. For our readers that ever wondered how much energy the brain uses, as described by Harvard, "it is the most energy demanding organ in our body" approximately 20% loosely speaking. At the level of recuperation and rejuvenation meditational practices are yet to be beaten and of course this is just one aspect of any meditative practice as they pertain to more than just physical life.

Meditations yet can be misunderstood as a form of escapism, that they are not. Quite simply its core purpose is to encourage well being and a sense of inner freedom in all respects. When applied well, the core purpose of self care positively influences all spheres of life and that includes the sometimes encumbersome responsibilities which we all face at some point or another during our life journey. For numerous reasons, the Himalaya, has been a “go to" destination for many over centuries including people worldwide, whatever their journey.

There is a magnetism that pulls you towards the Himalaya, its beauty and culture makes it a perfect destination for the boutique traveller.

We explore the valuable activity of what some call “Easy Time” -

Lounging with the Himalaya .

How to lounge with the Himalaya _Guncha
Child in handmade garments


And there they were connected...

Visiting the mountain towns of India in the North, it's not rare to see the locals sitting in and around open spaces lined with rich greenery. The Indian Himalaya is bordered with Deodar (Himalayan Cedar), pine trees, wild mountain shrub and eye catching wildflowers. At first glance it is obvious that there exists a sense of harmonious balance between the 'inactively active components of nature' and without trying it makes you stop and breathe. What seems frivolous is actually easy recharge time, one that is not thought about much but just is. Some may beg to differ that Himalayan local life is different from city scape, that maybe so but actually after taking care of their responsibilities that even the toughest sports enthusiast may shed a bead of sweat upon, that natural instinct of free time is perhaps most celebrated by both young and old here. Free time is something that is a gift given to the people by the Himalaya, they are called upon to do so and we join in.

Best time to Lounge in the open air? There are a few things to consider, like, the season, you, where and where you plan to stay.

How to lounge with the Himalaya _Guncha
How to lounge with the Himalaya


This may seem counterintuitive when talking about free time, but to make the most of ‘free time’ feeling comfortable is a good way to start. While you may not want to over burden your mind with a plan or long lists, consider a more flowy option like the following;

What time you intend on lounging?

Do you want to catch the sunrise across the Himalaya?

Perhaps auto responders for email?

A few essentials if any?

Consider reading whilst you lounge?

Why not take the inspiration up a notch and read? The famous Indian writer, RabindraNath Tagore was inspired by his travels in the Himalaya which helped his state of clarity translate into some of the world's most admired literature. A point to consider.


Perhaps an easy one but if you plan on not doing much other than lounge, being comfortable usually makes your experience more richer whatever that maybe. Clothing probably will work to your advantage if you take into consideration the season. It would help in making a good choice for yourself. Here are a few easy to consider clothing tips which will help you experience open air lounging in a more connected way.

We've listed the seasons of the Himalaya but of course nature is nature.


SPRING > snow, crisp, cool, can be sunny with bright skies, fresh air, cold/warm wind, average temperature 12-21°C approx, late February - April.

SUMMER > hot, dry, cool patches, bright, cooler evenings, hazy skies, rare rain, snow peaks visible, average temperature 21-35°C approx, April - July.

MONSOON > humid, plush, damp air, wet greenery, rich green, mist, clouds, clear views, thunder, some sun, snow peaks visibly clear, average temperature 15-22°C approx, late July - September.

AUTUMN > dry, clear, colder months with sunshine, outdoor wear ideal, clear views, snow peaks, average temperature 13-18°C approx, September - mid November.

WINTER > coldest months heading into December - late January, snowfall can be expected, pre snowfall generally freezing temperatures, sunny, clear. Outdoor wear would be a must have, average temperature 6-10°C approx, late November - February.

Dress up or dress down it really depends on you but do take the season into consideration whatever you decide to choose.

How to lounge with the Himalaya
Nature - colours of the mountains & sky


The best thing about being with the Himalaya is the natural essence of clarity and detoxification that it promotes without trying too hard. It is quite literally a “holy grail” for promoting well being once you’re there. Think slow and paced. It is the perfect place and space for anyone with demanding lifestyle patterns that want to recuperate with an opposite approach. Partly to due to the height and openness of Dalhousie the energy feels, well, more lighter in comparison to the other popular mountain towns of India. Dalhousie is positioned in the North of India and touches approximately 6000+ ft above sea level which sort of makes sense once you experience it for yourself referring to an "energy cleanse."

Lounging Tip - techniques; sit or lay comfortably, take a deep breath inhale and gently exhale out, repeat at your own comfortable capacity. And, reset the balance of your eyes with the soothing hues of nature, gaze & lounge. The natural environment can help restore lost moisture and vitality to those techno-tired eyes, a form of natural light medicine and without any side effects.

Other considerations: you may want to keep a diary nearby as you never know when inspiration may strike.

Enjoy the freedom of the Himalaya.

How to lounge with the Himalaya _Guncha
Woman wearing rich green hues


Sleeping well is necessary for overall human vitality, it's a proven science by mother nature. When rested we tend to feel a little more better and ready for a thriving day ahead. The natural process of sleeping is something that we share with other species of nature including animals, plants and trees. It is “right up there” with nutrition. What better than endless views, pure clear air, a comfortable lounge and free time to initiate a little shut eye here and there during a day catered to lounging?

Add some rhythm to your inner lounge experience and prepare for a little Himalaya outdoor nap with some relaxing music or nature sounds from our complimentary music atelier. Each month the Explorer selects a range of music adding to the flavour of the ultimate walk or the ultimate lounge. You can find a complimentary playlist below;

Complimentary Music Atelier

Alternatively stay connected with the heartbeat of the Himalaya and let the sounds of the natural landscape revitalise your daytime siesta. The Himalaya has its own melody each season.


Lounging and sipping on a long drink are a result of human natures development of aesthetics over time. In some cases they have become a very elaborate affair. Sometimes the preparation and subsequent after effects are not always considered. The Explorer has taken a different point of view, working with nature to produce that perfect lounge accompanied with a good long drink.

What we sometimes forget that a good drink doesn’t always have to be alcohol. There are so many other ways to enjoy a drink of leisure such as our recommendation of the long tea or water cocktail. Too fancy? Nothing else, a bottle of mineral water will serve you nicely whilst you lounge around with the Himalaya. Better to be prepared than not, it's an easy to do and of course our in-house guest services are here if you need a bottle or two. Enjoy our complimentary Ebooks.

Clear glass with water lemons and mint_ Guncha _ The Himalaya
Water Cocktails "a slice of lemon & mint"

Complimentary E-Book

For our complimentary Water Cocktails

E-Book download be

For our complimentary Long Teas


Refresh & stretch. Take a minute before you jump back into activity. Whether you're going for a walk into the Bazaar or preparing for dinner, notice and enjoy the feeling of lightness after your day of lounging with the Himalaya.

With the self recognition of your experience you are able to create value that will remain with you long after your stay is over. We call this return on investment that delivers year on year. A trigger point with a positive effect.

When did you last lounge? We'd like to hear from you, write to us on

How to lounge with the Himalaya _Guncha
How to lounge with the Himalaya

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